Periodico telematico di Storia e Scienze Umane

Become a member of the Steering Committee

Storiadelmondo ISSN 1721-0216, scientific, technical and professional electronic journal, will publish periodically by Drengo with the collaboration of Medioevo Italiano Project, and SISAEM.

The journal is issued every two weeks and it examines historical events that have world-wide relevance. Special attention will be paid to European and Italian history: ancient, medieval, renaissance and modern history. Minority and local history are preferred topics for contemporary and recent historical issues (see Project proposal).

The periodical includes a by-weekly appointment (Monday Night History) and includes indepth contributions in text format-HTML. Its supplement is Rassegna Storica online New Series, continuation of the first historical e.journal (see Archive 2000-01). It explores important scholarly historical studies, written in several languages and published as PDF files.

University scholars make up the editorial board in Rome, helped by an international team of freelance reporters, who collaborate via the Internet. The Director is affiliated to The Universita’ degli studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' (Roberta Fidanzia, PhD).

[Project proposal (EN) | Steering Committee | Call for papers (EN) | Medioevo Italiano Project (EN) | Publisher (EN)]

We take this opportunity to call your attention to the on line publications available of the Medioevo Italiano Project:
Storiadelmondo e.journal;
Medioevo Italiano Project official web site;
Medioevo Italiano the first Italian web site on the middle ages, online since January 1999.

These web sites will include a link to the Steering Committee's page, which will include the undertakers of the statute and their affiliations.

Become a member of the Steering Committee:

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